Monday, January 01, 2024

A step closer to generalised artificial intelligence.

Gemini AI is claimed to perform better in some tasks than human experts.

Years ago I read something which inspired me. The conclusion I came to then was that although computers are known to far exceed humans in some tasks in speed, accuracy and reliability, such as number crunching, there are others deemed somehow "magical" like empathy, creativity and humour. However, there is no reason at all to think computers cannot eventually exceed humans at Everything.

The denial they will begs the questions: Why? When you don't have a reason to accept a claim is true then it is at least as important to acknowledge when you also do not have a reason to believe it is false.

I now firmly believe no sort of magic exists. My take on all phenomena is essentially Newtonian to the extent I believe even things like Probability Density Functions and other strange quantum behaviour will have a simple causal explanation even if we can't discover it.

Conway's Game of Life shows us that very complex behaviour can grow from very simple production rules. The Game of Life has been proven to be Turing complete. This means using the exact same rules Conway's Game of Life uses, you can build any artificial intelligence which can be computed any other way. It would be hugely inefficient to try it but with sufficiently fast processing it could be done.

This implies to me it may not still be unreasonable to suppose the universe is some sort of vast automaton underpinned by very simple rules at the ultramicroscopic scale.

I sometimes now even think of motion as quantised and discrete in the same way the motion of gliders in Conway's game of life shows that motion can be interpreted in things which are not really moving. When am object appears to move from one place to the next it is really a chain reaction causing a phenomenon in one location to dissolve while generating another very similar phenomenon in an adjacent space. So, I think we may eventually prove motion is an illusion.